'use strict';
const fs = require('fs');
const { promisify } = require('util');
const Captcha = require('./captcha');
const constants = require('./constants');
const HTTPRequest = require('./http_request');
const baseUrl = 'https://2captcha.com/<action>.php';
const readFileAsync = promisify(fs.readFile);
class TwoCaptchaClient {
* Constructor for the 2Captcha client object
* @param {string} key Your 2Captcha API key
* @param {Object} [params] Params for the client
* @param {number} [params.timeout] milliseconds before giving up on an captcha
* @param {number} [params.polling] milliseconds between polling for answer
* @param {Boolean} [params.throwErrors] Whether the client should throw errors or just log the errors
* @return {TwoCaptchaClient} The client object
constructor(key, {
timeout = 60000,
polling = 5000,
throwErrors = false
} = {}) {
this.key = key;
this.timeout = timeout;
this.polling = polling;
this.throwErrors = throwErrors;
if (typeof (key) !== 'string') this._throwError('2Captcha key must be a string');
* Get balance from your account
* @return {Promise<float>} Account balance in USD
async balance() {
let res = await this._request('res', 'get', {
action: 'getbalance'
return res;
* Gets the response from a solved captcha
* @param {string} captchaId The id of the desired captcha
* @return {Promis<Captcha>} A promise for the captcha
async captcha(captchaId) {
const res = await this._request('res', 'get', {
id: captchaId,
action: 'get'
let decodedCaptcha = new Captcha();
decodedCaptcha.id = captchaId;
decodedCaptcha.apiResponse = res;
decodedCaptcha.text = res.split('|', 2)[1];
return decodedCaptcha;
* Sends an image captcha and polls for its response
* @param {Object} options Parameters for the requests
* @param {string} [options.base64] An already base64-coded image
* @param {Buffer} [options.buffer] A buffer object of a binary image
* @param {string} [options.path] The path for a system-stored image
* @param {string} [options.url] Url for a web-located image
* @param {string} [options.method] 2Captcha method of image sending. Can be either base64 or multipart
* @return {Promise<Captcha>} Promise for a Captcha object
async decode(options = {}) {
const startedAt = Date.now();
if (typeof (this.key) !== 'string') this._throwError('2Captcha key must be a string')
let base64 = await this._loadCaptcha(options);
let decodedCaptcha = await this._upload({ ...options, base64: base64 });
// Keep pooling untill the answer is ready
while (!decodedCaptcha.text) {
await this._sleep(this.polling);
if (Date.now() - startedAt > this.timeout) {
this._throwError('Captcha timeout');
decodedCaptcha = await this.captcha(decodedCaptcha.id);
return decodedCaptcha;
* Sends a ReCaptcha v2 and polls for its response
* @param {Object} options Parameters for the request
* @param {string} options.googlekey The google key from the ReCaptcha
* @param {string} options.pageurl The URL where the ReCaptcha is
* @param {boolean} options.invisible Invisible ReCaptcha switch
* @param {boolean} options.enterprise Enterprise ReCaptcha switch
* @return {Promise<Captcha>} Promise for a Captcha object
async decodeRecaptchaV2(options = {}) {
let startedAt = Date.now();
if (options.googlekey === '') this._throwError('Missing googlekey parameter');
if (options.pageurl === '') this._throwError('Missing pageurl parameter');
let upload_options = {
method: 'userrecaptcha',
googlekey: options.googlekey,
pageurl: options.pageurl,
invisible: options.invisible ? 1 : 0,
enterprise: options.enterprise ? 1 : 0,
let decodedCaptcha = await this._upload(upload_options);
// Keep pooling untill the answer is ready
while (!decodedCaptcha.text) {
await this._sleep(Math.max(this.polling, 10)); // Sleep at least 10 seconds
if (Date.now() - startedAt > this.timeout) {
this._throwError('Captcha timeout');
decodedCaptcha = await this.captcha(decodedCaptcha.id);
return decodedCaptcha;
* Sends a ReCaptcha v3 and polls for its response
* @param {Object} options Parameters for the request
* @param {string} options.googlekey The google key from the ReCaptcha
* @param {string} options.pageurl The URL where the ReCaptcha is
* @param {string} options.action Action value for ReCaptcha
* @param {boolean} options.enterprise Enterprise ReCaptcha switch
* @return {Promise<Captcha>} Promise for a Captcha object
async decodeRecaptchaV3(options = {}) {
let startedAt = Date.now();
if (options.googlekey === '') this._throwError('Missing googlekey parameter');
if (options.pageurl === '') this._throwError('Missing pageurl parameter');
let upload_options = {
method: 'userrecaptcha',
googlekey: options.googlekey,
pageurl: options.pageurl,
version: 'v3',
action: options.action ? options.action : '',
enterprise: options.enterprise ? 1 : 0,
let decodedCaptcha = await this._upload(upload_options);
// Keep pooling untill the answer is ready
while (!decodedCaptcha.text) {
await this._sleep(Math.max(this.polling, 10)); // Sleep at least 10 seconds
if (Date.now() - startedAt > this.timeout) {
this._throwError('Captcha timeout');
decodedCaptcha = await this.captcha(decodedCaptcha.id);
return decodedCaptcha;
* Sends a hCaptcha and polls for its response
* @param {Object} options Parameters for the request
* @param {string} options.sitekey The site key of the hCaptcha
* @param {string} options.pageurl The URL where the hCaptcha is
* @param {boolean} options.invisible Invisible hCaptcha
* @return {Promise<Captcha>} Promise for a Captcha object
async decodeHCaptcha(options = {}) {
let startedAt = Date.now();
if (options.sitekey === '') this._throwError('Missing sitekey parameter');
if (options.pageurl === '') this._throwError('Missing pageurl parameter');
let upload_options = {
method: 'hcaptcha',
sitekey: options.sitekey,
pageurl: options.pageurl,
invisible: options.invisible ? 1 : 0,
let decodedCaptcha = await this._upload(upload_options);
// Keep pooling untill the answer is ready
while (!decodedCaptcha.text) {
await this._sleep(Math.max(this.polling, 10)); // Sleep at least 10 seconds
if (Date.now() - startedAt > this.timeout) {
this._throwError('Captcha timeout');
decodedCaptcha = await this.captcha(decodedCaptcha.id);
return decodedCaptcha;
* @deprecated /load.php route is returning error 500
* Get current load from 2Captcha service
* @return {Promise<string>} Promise for an XML containing current load from
* 2Captcha service
async load() {
return await this._request('load', 'get');
* Loads a captcha image and converts to base64
* @param {Object} options The source of the image
* @param {string} [options.base64] An already base64-coded image
* @param {Buffer} [options.buffer] A buffer object of a binary image
* @param {string} [options.path] The path for a system-stored image
* @param {string} [options.url] Url for a web-located image
* @return {Promise<string>} Promise for a base64 string representation of an image
async _loadCaptcha(options = {}) {
if (options.base64) {
return options.base64;
} else if (options.buffer) {
return options.buffer.toString('base64');
} else if (options.path) {
let fileBinary = await readFileAsync(options.path);
return new Buffer.from(fileBinary, 'binary').toString('base64');
} else if (options.url) {
let image = await HTTPRequest.openDataURL(options.url);
return new Buffer.from(image, 'binary').toString('base64');
} else {
this._throwError('No image data received');
* Makes a HTTP request for the 2Captcha API
* @param {string} action Path used in the 2Captcha api URL
* @param {string} method HTTP verb to be used
* @param {string} payload Body of the requisition
* @return {Promise<string>} Promise for the response body
async _request(action, method = 'get', payload = {}) {
let req = await HTTPRequest.request({
url: baseUrl.replace('<action>', action),
timeout: this.timeout,
method: method,
payload: { ...payload, key: this.key, soft_id: 2386 }
return req;
* Report incorrectly solved captcha for refund
* @param {string} captchaId The id of the incorrectly solved captcha
* @param {boolean} bad If reporting an incorrectly solved captcha. Default is true.
* @return {Promise<Boolean>} Promise for a boolean informing if the report
* was received
async report(captchaId, bad = true) {
let res = await this._request('res', 'get', {
action: bad ? 'reportbad' : 'reportgood',
id: captchaId
return res === 'OK_REPORT_RECORDED';
* Blocks the code for the specified amount of time
* @param {number} ms The time in milliseconds to block the code
* @return {Promise<undefined>} Promise for undefined that resolves after ms milliseconds
async _sleep(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms)
* Get usage statistics from your account
* @param {Date} date Date for the target day
* @return {Promise<string>} Promise for an XML containing statistics about
* target day
async stats(date) {
let res = await this._request('res', 'get', {
action: 'getstats',
date: date.toISOString().slice(0, 10)
return res;
* Throws an Error if this.throwErrors is true. If this.throwErrors is false,
* a warn is logged in the console.
* @param {string} message Message of the error
* @return {(undefined|Boolean)} If an error wasn't thrown, returns false.
_throwError(message) {
if (message === 'Your captcha is not solved yet.') return false;
if (this.throwErrors) {
throw new Error(message);
} else {
return false;
* Uploads a captcha for the 2Captcha API
* @param {Object} options Parametes for the controlling the requistion
* @param {string} options.base64 The base64 encoded image
* @param {string} options.method 2Captcha method of image sending. Can be either base64 or multipart
* @return {Promise<Captcha>} Promise for Captcha object containing the captcha ID
async _upload(options = {}) {
let args = {};
if (options.base64) args.body = options.base64;
args.method = options.method || 'base64';
// Merge args with any other required field
args = { ...args, ...options };
// Erase unecessary fields
delete args.base64;
delete args.buffer;
delete args.path;
delete args.url;
let res = await this._request('in', 'post', args);
let decodedCaptcha = new Captcha();
decodedCaptcha.id = res.split('|', 2)[1];
return decodedCaptcha;
* Checks if the response from 2Captcha is an Error. It may throw an error if
* the class parameter throwExceptions is true. If it is false, only a warning
* will be logged.
* @param {string} body Body from the 2Captcha response
* @return {(undefined|Boolean)} Returns true if response is valid
_validateResponse(body) {
let message;
if (constants.errors[body]) {
message = constants.errors[body];
} else if (body === '' || body.toString().includes('ERROR')) {
message = `Unknown 2Captcha error: ${body}`;
} else {
return true;
return this._throwError(message);
module.exports = TwoCaptchaClient;